STORY OF A SOLDIER A soldier, going into war with a bag on his back, Assuring his crying mother that he will come back. Touched the soil of his home, Remembering his childhood when he always ran away from home. Looked back, saw his screaming wife and son Shivered, as after him there will be no one.. A bullet came and thrashed his head, The flag was up but he is dead. Blood blood everywhere as war came to end, But left its prints for everyone to offend. He came back but in a flag draped coffin, Promise fulfilled, but the mother is sad often. A soldier died but lived forever......... The thought of writing this came to my mind when i saw a video in which a 18 year old young was misbehaving and showing finger to a soldier. Coming from army background I know what hardships and difficulties a soldier has to face. Their life is...
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